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14 Simple Ways to Be Healthier Every Single Day

It’s probably safe to say we all wish we lived healthier lives, full of many 6 a.m. yoga classes and absolutely zero 10 p.m. ice cream sundaes. Alas, life. Still, bettering oneself is a noble pursuit, and we’re committed to seeking out small improvements that have big impacts. That way, the road to healthy living doesn’t feel quite so insurmountable that we throw in the towel entirely. To inspire you to live healthier each day, we’ve rounded up 14 simple habits that make all the difference. Read on.

1. Get moving.

Bike to work. Do a set of jumping jacks in the morning. Buy a jump rope and spend five minutes perfecting your double dutch. Put on a playlist of four or five songs, and dance like no one’s watching. Do leg flutters under your desk while you work at your computer (no one will even notice!). Set an alert for yourself for every hour or so and make a point to walk to the kitchen for a cup of tea or stroll to a co-worker’s desk to say hi.

2. Cool off.

Though a hot, steamy shower is the stuff of daydreams, it can actually be damaging to your skin and hair health. Because no one really wants to take an icy shower, try to find a happy medium and cool it down a touch, or at least turn the temperature down during the last two minutes of your shower. Even this burst of cold will do your body good, closing your pores and hair follicles (and waking you right up).

Next 3 to 14 Ways

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