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44 Best cardio exercises to lose weight

Exercising hard enough to raise your heartbeat will burn major calories, but not everyone loves to run. Luckily, there are many ways to hit your cardio goals that don't involve miles. These 44 cardio moves will help burn fat and build muscle, no running required. Find your new fevarite ways to cardio here.

1. Jumping Jacks:

  • Jump your legs out as you bring your hands overhead, then jump back to standing.
  • Add in some cross jacks to work your inner thighs. Open your arms out to the sides as you jump your legs wide. Cross your feet as you jump your legs together while crossing your arms in front of your chest.

2. Cross Jacks:

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, and extend your arms straight out to either side with palms facing down.
  • Jump and cross your right arm over your left and your right foot over your left. Jump your legs to the sides and open your arms, then cross with the opposite arm and foot.

3. Ali Shuffle: 

  • Keeping your weight on the balls of your feet, scissor your legs front and back.
  • This is quick footwork, and it should be light and fast. Pump your arms to keep the speed of the feet up in tempo.

4. High Knees: 

  • Run in place while lifting your knees high to the level of your waist. Engage your abs as the knee comes up.
  • Pump your arms to warm up your upper body.

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